On April 14, 2020, the New Jersey Family Leave Act (NJFLA) was expanded to provide family leave job-protection “during epidemic-related emergencies.” The new law takes effect retroactive to March 25, 2020.
The NJFLA applies to employers with 30 or more employees. This new legislation provides for up to 12 weeks within a 24-month period of unpaid “family leave” for an employee to provide care to a family member due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
This law addresses COVID-19-related leave by amending the definition of “family leave.” Specifically, unpaid family leave under the NJFLA is now permitted for an employee to:
- Care for a child whose school or child care facility has been ordered closed by a public official as a result of a pandemic or other public health emergency;
- Care for a family member who is sick as a result of an epidemic of a communicable disease or known or suspected exposure to a communicable disease; or
- Care for a family member who a health care provider or public health authority has recommended should self-quarantine as a result of suspected exposure to a communicable disease.
The NJFLA’s provisions permitting employers to deny family leave to key employees under certain conditions do not apply to employees taking leave for the aforementioned, COVID-19-related reasons.
To review a full copy of S-2374 click here.
Laddey, Clark, & Ryan, LLP, remains fully operational during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Please rest assured that our attorneys, paralegals, and staff continue to be available to you and to fulfill your evolving legal, business, and personal needs. Throughout this difficult period, you can expect that the team at Laddey, Clark, & Ryan will continue to answer your emails and calls promptly and be completely available to you, exemplifying the client service and responsiveness we have always been committed to providing.