On Thursday evening, June 8th, the Young Attorneys of Laddey, Clark and Ryan, LLP hosted a Young Professional Craft Beer tasting where young professionals from the community were invited to network with each other while tasting craft beers from Angry Erik Brewing, sampling catering from Café Pierrot and listen to presentations from local non-profits about volunteer opportunities.
The event began with an opening from Tim Dinan, Esq. the chair of the Personal Injury Practice Group at Laddey, Clark and Ryan who welcomed the guests to the event and stressed the important role community service plays in building a strong community. Afterwards, the young professionals divided up into small groups which rotated throughout the Laddey, Clark and Ryan office where a representative from a non-profit gave a short presentation about his or her organization. A different craft beer was sampled at each stop. Presenters included Ginnie Littell founder of Ginnie’s House, Dan Leary a Board member at Pass it Along, Freeholder Jonathan Rose, who spoke about serving on local planning boards, and Dana Nolan of the Ambassador’s Club at Newton Medical Center.
“Support from the young professional community is very important for the future of any non-profit organization and this event allowed us share our mission in a fun and relaxed atmosphere.” said Dan Leary.
Anyone interested in learning more about non-profit volunteering or attending a future craft beer tasting, please contact Erika Tintle at etintle@lcrlaw.com or visit www.lcrlaw.com.