Recent successes in the trial courts and in the appellate courts where Laddey, Clark & Ryan, LLP has secured favorable outcomes for commercial clients on various commercial claims, including breach of a non-compete agreement, breach of duty of loyalty and tortious interference with economic advantage as well as consumer fraud, fraud and negligence, has demonstrated the depth of LCR’s commercial litigation team. Recent successes have displayed the talent and resources LCR has available for their commercial clients, and what can be achieved through deployment of those resources. It also reminded LCR that there is much more they can do, and so many more clients they can assist in this area of the law.

It is with the foregoing in mind that Laddey, Clark & Ryan, LLP has announced the appointment of Jessica A. Jansyn, Esq. as the new Practice Group Leader of their Commercial Litigation Practice Group, effective immediately. Managing Partner, Thomas Ryan, commented, “Jessica is positioned to utilize her incredible talents to take this practice area to new heights, ensuring quality and consistency to our existing clients, and every new client. Jessica is widely and deeply respected by all of us at LCR, as well as by our clients, having joined the LCR Team in 2011.”

Jessica is a Magna Cum Laude, Order of the Coif, graduate of Seton Hall University School of Law, where she was a distinguished member of the Seton Hall Law Review. Jessica is also a Summa Cum Laude graduate of Centenary College, having earned degrees in Mathematics and English.

Prior to joining LCR, Jessica was a Litigation Associate with the New York City law firm of Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton, LLP. She has been a member of the litigation team at LCR for six years, focusing on commercial, employment and estate litigation in both the state and federal courts, as well as the appellate courts. Jessica has played an integral role in the growth of both LCR’s employment and labor practice as well as the commercial litigation practice. She has repeatedly demonstrated her command in litigating breach of contract claims, fraud, consumer fraud, duty of loyalty, restrictive covenants, professional negligence, shareholder and partnership disputes, as well as wrongful discharge, discrimination and retaliation claims.

Jessica will be overseeing the management of the commercial litigation practice at LCR, as well as the strategic planning and business development in this practice area. She will now be driving a new vision for the practice group and the strategic planning required to fulfill that vision.