Laddey, Clark & Ryan Employees Send Items to Marines in Afghanistan

Laddey, Clark & Ryan, a 15-attorney law firm in Sparta New Jersey is showing their support for the troops in Afghanistan by gathering items to be included in care packages which are being sent by a local military mom here in Sparta.

Candy, snacks, playing cards, and personal care products are just some of the goodies coordinated for shipping by Kathy Gallagher, a Legal Assistant at the firm.

“Service is a big part of our firm and coordinating items to send overseas is a small gesture compared to what the soldiers have given us,” Gallagher said.

Employees from Laddey, Clark & Ryan, purchased items to send the Marines thanking the soldiers for their sacrifices. “To honor the soldiers, the employees wanted to show them how grateful each one is in a personal and tangible way,” said Tom Ryan, LCR’s Managing Partner.

“It’s not about whether or not we support the war,” Ryan said. “We support the troops and their families. A lot of us have relatives over there, and we want them to be home.”

“It makes us feel better to know that we can help people giving for us here at home and abroad,” Kathy Gallagher said.

The boxes of goods were dropped off Friday August 4th to Tina Aidala Rowan in Sparta, whose son is a marine and is being deployed the following week.  She will box and ship them to an outpost in Afghanistan this week with the assistance of local parents and children.  Details for the “call to arms” for Tina’s “Operation Care Package” can be found on the Sparta’s Acts of Kindess Facebook page.