Sparta, NJT: 973.729.1880F: 973.729.1224LCRLAW.COM


Non-Profit Organizations

Our Non-Profit Practice Group includes business and employment attorneys, working with our estate planning attorneys, focused on the needs of the not-for-profit community and its donors.

Laddey Clark & Ryan's Non-Profit Practice Group includes business and employment attorneys, working with our estate planning attorneys, focused on the needs of the not-for-profit community and its donors.

Services include:

  • Incorporation Process:  Articles of incorporation and bylaws
  • Establishing and maintaining tax-exempt status
  • Advising on operational issues and board governance
  • Liability of trustees and officers
  • Handling contributions and tax deductions
  • Planned giving and bequeathals
  • Form 990:  Compliance points and disclosure considerations
  • Internal legal audits and investigations
  • Restructuring and terminating exempt organizations
  • Personnel policies and employment issues
  • Litigation
  • Real property acquisitions/sales and leasing
  • General business counsel, representation and preparation of contracts


Thomas N. Ryan, Practice Leader


April 16, 2020
Laddey, Clark & Ryan's COVID-19 Advisory Team Expands to Serve Community's Needs
One month into the COVID-19 crisis, Laddey Clark & Ryan continues to ramp up its COVID-19 LCR Advisory practice to serve the expanding and continually evolving needs of the community...
April 13, 2020
Non-Profit Advisory Alert - Analysis of the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP)
On Friday, March 27, 2020, President Trump signed the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act into law in response to the disturbing developments of Coronavirus (COVID-19) in the United States. Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act, H.R. 748, 116th Cong. (2020)...
November 15, 2019
LCR Participates in First Annual Strikes for SCARC
Members of the Laddey, Clark & Ryan team...